Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The job hunt

I have been applying for jobs all day.  It is hard to get into the work force when you have been working overseas for 15 years.  References are hard to get a hold of and a lot of people don't know what to do with my resume.  Most places say I'm over qualified or just don't call back.  I have to do something fast.  Not having money come in is a huge stress.  I might just have to get a job for now while looking for something better.  I feel like I'm in the same boat as most Americans.  While it is nice to have friends, I want off this boat.

Might be a secret

This is all new. I haven't been to this blog in years.  I wonder what I should write about? I did just travel 20,000 miles in 6 days.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

It's been awhile

WOW! Man has it been a long time. I've had so much happen and so much that is still going to happen.

The first thing I have to say is that I'm no longer in China. It was a hard choice, but it was one that had to be made. I love China and the people and there is something awesome about being able to say that you live in the largest city in the world. But  at last, I had to go.  So this post will be about my best memories of the city that I grew to love, and will always love in my own way.

First, I have to talk about my friends. The men and women that I meet int he city have been some of the most awesome that anyone could know. They came from all walks of life and from all over the world. These friends introduced me to new foods and to new cultures. I can honestly say that I'm a better person for it. I'm grateful that I can still stay in contact with them and that in the future I'll be able to see them again.

Now let's talk about the city. Shanghai is amazing. If you ever have the chance to go, you must. The history of the city is so interesting and the new architecture is jaw dropping. In one part of the city you can be talking to an elderly person that remembers the city when it was just a fishing village and ten you can be in one of the newest and most high tech malls in the world. It's the only place that I know that you can get old China and new China all in the same block. It truly is amazing.

Walking in the city has given me the chance to eat at some of the best restaurants in the city. I've had snake, odd fish and snails. I've also eaten at noodle carts on the side of the road and had the best noodles that I've had in the world. In all truth, some of the best food I've had has been in places that wouldn't past health codes in America. Street food, and dive places are the best places to get real food that taste awesome. If you ever go, you have to get the fried dumplings. Not only are they fantastic but they happen to be my favorite food in the city.

Lats, if you ever go you have to go up in the Pearl Tower. There you'll be able to see the hole of the city and on a clear day it is breathe taking.

Monday, July 05, 2010


Well I'm starting my 5th class at UCLA. The work seems to get more intense with every class. My goal is to maintain an A and to write something that is funny as well as thought provoking.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Trip

I got back from Henan yesterday and had a good time. While there I got to spend the afternoon with some friends of mine. These kids live in Shen Qiu. We all had a great time. We also had the chance to eat lunch there. A fun time was had by all.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I had a wonderful day with the wife. We ate a nice lunch and walked in our old neighborhood. For me the old stomping grounds didn't really hold all that much sway for me anymore. I just don't need to be out there. The subway will open by our house in October and that will bust the city wide open. We will be able to get anywhere and not have to fight other people for cabs and stuff.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Save the Day

So I was having a minor melt down yesterday. The crowds and the people sometimes just get to you and you have to do something about it. For me that lintels staying in the house of 16 hours or so. Well yesterday I had to go out. That meant dealing with people and a minor culture clash. I was doing alright, I was holding my own when suddenly I saw it. A box of Krispy Kreme. This was impossible. I'm in Shanghai, China we don't have that. Then I found myself almost knocking the poor man down asking him where he got the doughnuts. After he recovered from the shock and two white people trapping him on the side walk he told us. We looked to no avail. I found myself next looking it up on line and setting a course to go to the store. I was there...along with everyone else. Other foreigners that knew how good Krispy Kreme was where there. They were coming out of the store with buckets of doughnuts. The red light was on and I got a fresh free doughnut. it was heaven. I woke up only a few hours ago from the shock. Somehow I made it home. My fingers are still sticky and there is an almost empty box of doughnuts in my kitchen.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

One in three kids in America are overweight. Lately I have been feeling the pounds and a need to do something about it. Living in China makes it hard to be overweight. Most of the men here are under 100 kg and the women are around 50-60 kg. I now have to be proactive in my battle of the bulge. Being in America I looked like the skinny kid. I didn't feel the need to do anything extra. Now I'm Shamu the whale and feel like a puffy pink skin sack ready to burst. I will work on it. I have to. My knees can't take the weight any longer. Well, it's lunch time. Let's see what I can't eat.